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Saturday, July 28, 2018

What is the difference between a 16 MP smartphone camera and a 16 MP DSLR camera?

16 is just a number. it doesn’t define the picture quality alone. there are other factor which also responsible for a good photo.
  • Pixel size
each pixel has information if certain point in the picture. in the smart phone there are lack of space so there are much number of pixels in a small area but on the other hand in DSLR there are enough space for enough size of pixels. larger the pixel size maps the larger area and good quality information.Image result for pixels of camera
  • Aperture
the aperture is the opening of the lense. larger aperture extracts more light which results in brighter picture. aperture is a major factor of quality of photos when it comes to low light photography. in this situation the same pixel contains more information.Image result for aperture of camera
  • Image processing
it’s major factor now days and only answer to why smartphone cameras are competing with DSLR. you have collected a good amount of information from your hardwere to produse a good quality picture but untill it doesn’t go through a good image processing it can’t make the picture quality good. google is leading in this field which softwere image processing. now it’s produsing bettter picture with less information only on the basis of image processing

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